Surabaya Hairtrans Clinic is a professional and renowned transplantation clinic in Indonesia. During procedure, from consultation to post transplantation treatment, Surabaya Hairtrans Clinic team will provide the best, professional and friendly service. Transplantation procedure can be described as follow:
1. Procedure ReviewDoctor will explain to the patient about the upcoming transplantation procedure, ask about the patient’s medical record, consumed medicine, check the blood pressure, pulse, and read through laboratory and EKG report. When everything is ensured, transplantation process may begin. Firstly, patient’s hair will be washed thoroughly.
2. Hair Strip Removal in Hair Donation Scalp SiteThis process begins with giving anesthetic injection to hair donation scalp site to numb pain during procedure. As soon as the anesthesia works, doctor will start to remove donor hair strip 1.5 x 15 cm in size. This process will take about 45 minutes. After hair strip is taken, doctor will stitch donor area using Tryophitic Closure technique. Meanwhile, transplantation team will begin to divide the donor hair strip into follicular units. During procedure, patient will feel relax, either watching the television or listen to the music.
3. Follicle Preparation / Graft CreationWith the aid of several stereoscopic dissecting microscopes, our transplantation team conducts donor strip preparations into a number of follicular units, consisting of 1 to 3 hairs.
4. Rest and Refreshment Period
While waiting for graft creation to finish, patient is allowed to have a little rest, and enjoy provided snacks and beverages. At the same time, transplantation team prepares the room for next procedure.
5. Hairline DesignPrior to making incisions on recipient area, doctor will create Hairline Design first.
6. Incisions on Recipient Area and Graft Insertion
Hair transplantation procedure will continue by punching small holes and placing soft grafts at the recipient site in the balding area. However, during this procedure, patient may request a break at any moment, just for stretching or using the bathroom.
7. Post TransplantationAfter transplantation doctor will put on white plaster placed stretch on the patient’s forehead to prevent facial swelling.
8. Donor Site Healing Process
Eventually, donor site on the back side of the head will be healed. On the scar, there will only occur an almost invisible line, definitely will not appear any bald spots.